Please remember that the advertisers read our forums. If they see us talking about what you have to look at and what you don't have to look at to get credit, they are not going to pay us anymore.

The best that I can tell everyone is just to take the offers seriously. Go through them with the perspective of the advertiser in the back of your mind. You are basically getting paid to look at advertisements and consider what you are seeing. In addition to that, they are paying for your information. If they already have your information in their database, they don't want to pay for it again--it may be your IP address, your email address, your physical address, etc. We never really know from one offer to the next if it is an advertiser that we have worked with before that just has a new look to their page and a new freebie they are giving away.

We do try our best to keep an eye on the offers when we put them up and make sure that at least 50% of the people who try an offer are getting credit for us to keep it up. If we don't see a decent return, we pull it down.

Hope that helps a little!