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Thread: getting credit for offers

  1. #1
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    Default getting credit for offers

    When you do offers, do some of them never credit? Is there anything we are supposed to do with the ones that don't credit? I read over the manual credit thread, and it further confused me. I have a bunch of offers I have done that have not credited and I'm hesitant to do more if they will just end up sitting there not crediting like the others. Some, on the other hand, credit instantly! Love those!

    Thanks everyone for your help. Some of you have earned so much here and are a real inspiration to me. My DH says we can't afford a WDW trip anytime soon, but I am determined to prove him wrong!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Lancaster, CA


    Hello. I know that it can be frustrating when you do the offers and they do not credit, I'm in the same boat. I have a bunch that I never received credit for. What I normally do is scan the forums and wait for someone to tell me which ones are crediting well and those are the ones that I take. Maybe someone else can provide you with some insight...

  3. #3
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    There will always be a percentage of them that won't credit. The key is to do your best to make sure you are putting your time and energy in to doing them in a way so that they will credit. Here are a couple of tips that I found have worked:

    - start with the Automatic Credit thread. These are offers that other people have done and gotten credit for and they are also offers that are considered "fast crediting" which means they will credit within a an hour to a few hours. Start at the back of the thread with the newest posts so you know you are doing the newest offers first.

    - slow and steady wins the game. Don't try to do too many offers in the same day. 2-4 is really plenty. These offers are often carried by the same advertisers and typically you can't get credit for more than one from the same advertiser in a day. How do you know if they are from the same advertiser? Keep an eye on the address bar when you enter the survey and see who the advertiser is. You will notice that it is the same 5-6 that provide all of the offers.

    -go slow on the offers. Check out all of the offers by looking at what they are showing you and letting the page load completely. Click on ones that you are interested in and check out more information. If the offer asks you to complete a certain number of offers make sure you are at least checking out that number of offers. None of these offers require you to purchase anything but you are being paid for your information and also to browse their offers. Be sure you do that but please be aware of what you are clicking. Sometimes the small print will say that they can change your long distance carrier or sign you up so it is important to go slow.

    -Watch the forums for posts by Tricia that say new offer doing well. These are usually offers that she has tested and that she sees are crediting well and a high percentage of members are getting credit for.

    - Look at the "red light" system on the offers. Offers with a green light means that a high percentage of people who put the offer in pending recieved credit. These are usually good offers to try.

    - You can also go yo Offers, By Category and click on Fast Crediting. These will all be offers that credit on the hour or within a few hours. They will all have the red light system on them too and you can try some of those with green lights.

    -Make sure you have your email box open when completing offers and clear it out before you do an offer. That way when a confirmation email comes in you will see it and not miss it. Be sure to clear out the spam box too and watch that as well. They usually come within a few minutes of you doing the email and will say something like Please Confirm, Please Verify or will have some part of the name of the offer in the title. Open the email and make sure to click on the link to verify.

    -put the offer in to pending once you have completed it and then leave it there for at least 30 days before trying again if it doesn't credit.

    - if you open an offer and your info is already filled in then you should know they have you in their database and the offer won't credit so close it out and try again in a few months.

    Hopefully some of these will help make doing offers easier. The biggest thing is going slow. Doing a higher number of offers won't increase your chance of getting paid. Doing them slow will. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask.
    Sunshine Rewards

  4. #4
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    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by dizneynutz View Post
    My DH says we can't afford a WDW trip anytime soon, but I am determined to prove him wrong!!!
    We would love to help you do that!!!
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