Sunshine Rewards is happy to announce a new addition to our forum....Awards! Over the coming days you will have the opportunity to start nominating other forum members for awards. When you nominate a member, the moderators will all be notified and will vote on wether the award should be given. Once it is given,other. As our community grows an icon will appear next to the members name.

There are a few really cool things about this new system. The first is that you, as members, can come up with the kinds of awards that you want to give. They can be silly or serious. Just let us know what awards you would like to see listed and we will start getting them posted.

The best part about it is that it allows the members a chance to officially recognize each. As our community grows, we are finding more and more reasons to build up and congratulate each other. The new Forum Awards will be one more way that we can do that.