Baby it is too cold to go outside! So, you should stay inside and do a few of the new offers that I've added over the last few days. You might also want to try one, two, or even three surveys!

To get you motivated, let's have a contest. I've put together a list of the new offers that seem to be crediting okay. There hasn't been tons of traffic on these offers so I am sure most of you will be able to participate. If you get credit for any or all of the offers listed, post in this thread for each offer that credits between now and 10:00 p.m. EST tomorrow, 1/22/09.

At contest end, I will randomly choose one winner to have their credits doubled! That's right doubled! Sounded so good, I had to say it twice.

Offers Included:
MID - Valentine's Gift Bag
GizmoDepot - Electronics Shopping
Restaurant Gift Cards: Taco Bell
e-Research Center: Water Survey
ConsumerGiftCenter - Big Football Survey
Obama Button (Aisle No. 7)
The Free IQ Test
ElectronicSource - Plasma TV
Nationwide Life Insurance