I specifically ordered our Christmas cards through Shutterfly this year b/c of Tricia's Snapfish problems. I was having problems accessing Shutterfly through SR when I ordered them, but needed them done right away, so just got them ordered through their site directly b/c I didn't have time to deal with the glitch/ connection problem here. Bummer that I missed out on the $4.00 sign up for it since I was a new customer...especially since the only reason I ordered from them was specifically b/c of Sunshine Rewards

Now I'm trying to order some photo books through Shutterfly with a deal that expires today and once again, ONLY through SR, I can't login to their site. It gets hung up with this:


and then keeps jumping between that and another address and never goes anywhere.

If I go to their site not through SR, I can get to it and log in just fine without any problems. As you can imagine though, I'd really like to be getting SR credits for this. Any ideas what's going on???

Thanks if you can help me out!